Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Sixth Edition, August 2006

Building an HA Cluster Configuration
Creating the Logical Volume Infrastructure
Chapter 5 157
NOTE Be careful if you use YAST or YAST2 to configure volume groups, as that
may cause all volume groups on that system to be activated. After
running YAST or YAST2, check to make sure that volume groups for
Serviceguard packages not currently running have not been activated,
and use LVM commands to deactivate any that have. For example, use
the command vgchange -a n /dev/sgvg00 to deactivate the volume
group sgvg00.
Distributing the Shared Configuration to all Nodes
The goal in setting up a logical volume infrastructure is to build a set of
volume groups that can be activated on multiple nodes in the cluster. To
do this, you need to build the same LVM volume groups on any nodes
that will be running the same package.
NOTE The minor numbers used by the LVM volume groups must be the same
on all cluster nodes. They will if all the nodes have the same number of
unshared volume groups.
To distribute the shared configuration, follow these steps:
1. Unmount and deactivate the volume group, and remove the tag if
necessary. For example, to deactivate only vgpkgA:
# umount /extra
# vgchange -a n vgpkgA
# vgchange --deltag $(uname -n) vgpkgA
NOTE Use vgchange --addtag and vgchange --deltag commands only if
you are implementing VG activation protection. Remember that VG
activation protection, if used, must be implemented on each node.
2. To get the node ftsys10 to see the new disk partitioning that was
done on ftsys9, reboot: