Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Sixth Edition, August 2006

Planning and Documenting an HA Cluster
Chapter 4 85
4 Planning and Documenting an
HA Cluster
Building a Serviceguard cluster begins with a planning phase in which
you gather and record information about all the hardware and software
components of the configuration. Planning starts with a simple list of
hardware and network components. As the installation and
configuration continue, the list is extended and refined. After hardware
installation, you can use a variety of Linux commands to obtain
information about your configuration; this information is entered on the
worksheets provided in this chapter. During the creation of the cluster,
the planning worksheets provide the values that are edited into the
configuration files and control scripts.
When the configuration is finished, you can use Serviceguard Manager to
capture all the configuration data in a .sgm file, and you can display a
map of the cluster, which can also be saved in a .gif file for later use.
Refer to the sectionUsing Serviceguard Manager” in Chapter 7.
This chapter assists you in the following planning areas:
General Planning
Hardware Planning
Power Supply Planning
Quorum Server Planning
Volume Manager Planning
Cluster Configuration Planning
Package Configuration Planning
The description of each planning step in this chapter is accompanied by a
worksheet on which you can optionally record the parameters and other
data relevant for successful setup and maintenance. As you go through
each step, record all the important details of the configuration so as to
document your production system. During the actual configuration of the
cluster, refer to the information from these worksheets. A complete set of
blank worksheets is in Appendix D.