Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.00 Release Notes, June 2004

Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.00 Release Notes
Patches and Fixes in this Version
Chapter 1 49
What is the workaround? In package names, do not use any of the
special characters listed. If you have an existing package with these
special characters, you will not be able to configure it through
Serviceguard Manager unless you change its name.
JAGaf14600 Package and property sheets show non-configured
cluster monitored subnets.
What is the problem? This happens if a node in the cluster has a lan
card that has more than one IP address, and the addresses are for
different subnets. If the subnet of one of the IP addresses is specified
as monitored, both subnets may show up in the list of monitored
subnets. This is especially likely with IPv6 addresses
What is the workaround? There is no workaround.
JAGaf16670 - Startup issues with Java Webstart
What is the problem? There are two problems:
First: With non-Windows systems running Mozilla, you have to
manually register Webstart as a helper application.
Second: When updating Serviceguard Manager on the client side,
the SIM client Java Web Start uses the old jar files.
What is the workaround? There are two workarounds:
First: With non-Windows systems running Mozilla, go to the
browser menu and select Preferences -> Navigator -> Helper
App. For the setting Field Value, put the following:
extension jnlp
mime type application/x-java-jnlp-file
handled by application <patch-to-javaws>/javaws.exe
Second: When updating, you need to manually clear the Java
Web Start cache on the SIM client side. It contains the jar files
downloaded from the server. Before installing the new
Serviceguard Manager, clear the cache and the server will
automatically download the new jar files.