Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.02 Release Notes, February 2005

Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.02 Release Notes
Patches and Fixes in this Version
Chapter 158
What is the workaround? If you wait a long time after a Save As or
on the Network Tab of properties, check the disks from the command
line, using ioscan or through SAM. If they have zero length, your
disk is bad.
JAGaf13925 SGMgr allows conflicting roles for clusters and
packages (See also JAGaf08686) fixed in version A.04.02
What is the problem? Serviceguard Manager will allow you to
configure conflicting or redundant roles. This is especially likely
when using wild-cards. For example, you may be able to configure an
Admin role for ANY_USER from node1 and then a Monitor role for
user1 from node1. Since user1 is included in ANY_USER, this should
not be allowed.
What is the workaround? Check your roles to be sure none are
redundant or conflicting.
JAGaf11256 Serviceguard Manager won’t discover nodes if
another cluster has the same name.
What is the problem? Once Serviceguard Manager discovers a
cluster, it will ignore any others that have the same name. For
example, imagine that one subnet has a cluster named node1 and
node2. Now imagine that another subnet has a cluster named clus1,
whose members are nodeX and nodeY.
The situation is not common because Serviceguard insists that the
cluster name must be unique in its environment. However, the
Session Server may be able to see clusters that cannot see each
other. If it does, it will display the first clus1 that it encounters
during discovery, and ignore the other.
What is the workaround? There is no workaround.
JAGaf09768 More than one config screen can be opened for one
What is the problem? Serviceguard Manager does not stop you from
opening two configuration screens at the same time. If you enter
changes in both screens, thinking there is only one, you may not
Apply the configuration that you expected
What is the workaround? There is no workaround.