Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

# <TargetID>
# This parameter is used to define the SCSI target ID of the physical
# volume on the port specified in "port#".
# <LUN#>
# This parameter is used to define the SCSI logical unit number (LUN) of
# the physical volume specified in "targetID".
#dev_group dev_name port# TargetID LUN#
pkgA pkgA_index CL1-E 0 1
pkgA pkgA_tables CL1-E 0 2
pkgA pkgA_logs CL1-E 0 3
pkgB pkgB_d1 CL1-E 0 4
pkgC pkgC_d1 CL1-E 0 5
pkgD pkgD_d1 CL1-E 0 2
#/************************* HORCM_INST ************************************/
# This parameter is used to define the network address (IP address or host
# name) of the remote hosts which can provide the remote Raid Manager access
# for each of the device group secondary volumes.
# The remote Raid Manager instances are required to get status or provide
# control of the remote devices in the device group. All remote hosts
# must be defined here, so that the failure of one remote host will prevent
# obtaining status.
# <dev_group>
# This is the same device group names as defined in dev_group of HORC_DEV.
# <ip_address>
# This parameter is used to define the network address of the remote hosts
# with Raid Manager access to the device group. This can be either an
# IP address or a host name.
# <service>
# This parameter is used to specify the port name assigned to the Raid
# Manager instance, which must be registered in /etc/services. If this is
# a port number rather than a port name, then the port number will be used.
#dev_group ip_address service
pkgA ftsys1a horcm0
pkgA ftsys2a horcm0
pkgB ftsys1a horcm0
pkgB ftsys2a horcm0
pkgC ftsys1a horcm0
pkgC ftsys2a horcm0
pkgD ftsys1a horcm0
pkgD ftsys2a horcm0
Notes on the Raid Manager Configuration
A single P9000 or XP device group must be defined for each package on each host that is connected
to the P9000 or XP series disk array. Device groups are defined in the Raid Manager configuration
file under the heading HORCM_DEV. The disk target IDs and LUNs for all Physical Volumes (PVs)
defined in Volume Groups (VGs) that belong to the package must be defined in one P9000 or XP
device group on each host system that may ever run one or more Continentalclusters packages.
The device group name (dev_group) is user-defined and must be the same on each host in the
Continentalclusters that accesses the P9000 or XP disk array. The device group name (dev_group)
must be unique within the cluster; it should be a name that is easily associated with the application
name or Serviceguard package name.
The TargetID and LU# fields for each device name may be different on different hosts in the clusters,
to allow for different hardware I/O paths on different hosts. See the sample convenience scripts
in the Samples directory included with this toolkit for examples.
Configuring Automatic Raid Manager Startup
After editing the Raid Manager configuration files and installing them on the nodes that are attached
to the P9000 or XP Series disk arrays, you should configure automatic Raid Manager startup on
Preparing the Cluster for Data Replication 169