Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

Configure the Monitor’s Variables in the Package Environment File
Edit the following variables of the monitor’s section in the environment file <pkgname>_xpca.env
as follows:
NOTE: See Appendix A for an explanation of these variables.
Uncomment the MON_POLL_INTERVAL variable and set it to the desired value in minutes. If
this variable is not set, it will default to a value of 10 minutes.
Uncomment the MON_NOTIFICATION_FREQUENCY variable and set it to the desired value.
This value is used to control the frequency of notification message when the state of the device
group remains the same after the first check of the device group's state. If the value is zero,
the monitor will only send notification when the state of the device group has changed. If the
variable is not set, the default will be 0.
If you want to receive notification messages over email, uncomment the
MON_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL variable and set it to a fully qualified email address. Multiple
email addresses can be configured using comma as separator between the addresses.
If you want notification messages to be logged in the syslog file, uncomment the
MON_NOTIFICATION_SYSLOG variable and set it to 1.
If you want notification messages to be logged on the system's console, uncomment the
MON_NOTIFICATION_CONSOLE variable and set it to 1.
If you want an automatic resynchronization upon link recovery, uncomment the AUTO_RESYNC
variable and set it to either 0, 1 or 2.
If AUTO_RESYNC is set to 0 (DEFAULT), the monitor will not try to do the resynchronization
from PVOL to SVOL. This setting will only send notifications.
If AUTO_RESYNC is set to 1, the monitor will split the remote BC if one is configured from the
mirror group before trying to do the resynchronization from PVOL to SVOL.
If AUTO_RESYNC is set to 2, the monitor will only do the resynchronization from PVOL to SVOL
when it finds the MON_RESYNC file in the package directory on the node that the package is
running. The monitor will not manage the remote BC prior to and after the resynchronization.
This setting is used if the user wants to manage the BC themselves.
To enable the Continuous Access resynchronization for AUTO_RESYNC=2, it is necessary to
create a file using the HP-UX command touch. For example:
# touch /etc/cmcluster/packageA/MON_RESYNC
(where/etc/cmcluster/packageA is the package directory)
After the monitor detects the MON_RESYNC file, it is automatically removed.
The following is an example of the P9000 or XP/Continuous Access device group monitor
definition section in the environment file (<packagename>_xpca.env>) where the monitor
will perform the following:
poll every 15 minutes.
send a notification on every third polling, if the state of the device group remains the same.
send the notifications to and
log notifications to system log file, syslog.
display notifications to system console.
perform automatic resynchronization with BC management when detecting the device group
local state change to PVOL-PSUE or PVOL-PDUB.
198 Building Disaster Recovery Serviceguard Solutions Using Metrocluster with Continuous Access for P9000 and XP