Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

4. Copy the environment file template /opt/cmcluster/toolkit/SGSRDF/srdf.env to
the dts/dts/dts_pkg_dir directory specified earlier.
# cp /opt/cmcluster/toolkit/SGSRDF/srdf.env \
5. Edit the environment file, srdf.env as follows:
a. Add the path where the EMC Solutions Enabler software binaries have been installed to
the PATH environment variable. If the software is installed in the default location usr/
symcli/bin, there is no need to set the PATHenvironment variable in this file.
b. Uncomment the environment variables that are prefixed with AUTO*. It is recommended
to retain the default values of these variables unless there is a specific business requirement
to change them. For more information on these variables, see Appendix C (page 491).
c. Uncomment the PKGDIR variable and set it to the full path name of the directory where
this environment file has been placed. This directory must be unique for each package.
For example:
Uncomment the RDF_MODE variables and set it to the RDF mode for RDF pairs in the
device group to be Synchronous (sync) or Asynchronous (async).
d. Uncomment the DEVICE_GROUP variables EMC Symmetrix for the local disk array and
set it to the Symmetrix device group names given in the symdg list command. If you are
using an M by N configuration, configure the DEVICE_GROUP variable with the name
of the consistency group.
e. Uncomment the RETRY and RETRYTIME variables. These variables are used to decide
how often and how many times to retry the Symmetrix status commands. The defaults
should be used for the first package. For other packages RETRYTIME should be altered
to avoid contention when more than one package is starting on a node. The value of
RETRY * RETRYTIME must be approximately five minutes to keep the package startup time
under 5 minutes.
f. Uncomment the CLUSTER_TYPE variable and set it to metro.
g. If using an M by N configuration, be sure that the variable CONSISTENCYGROUPS is
set to 1 in the environment file.
6. Distribute this Metrocluster environment file to other nodes in the cluster under the same directory
by using FTP, RCP or SCP.
rcp -p /etc/cmcluster/<package_name>/* \
See the example script Samples/ftpit to determine how to semi-automate the copy operating
using FTP. This script assumes that the package directories already exist on all nodes. Using
FTP may be preferable at your organization, since it does not require the use of an .rhosts
file for root. Root access using the .rhosts may create a security issue.
To distribute Metrocluster environment file to other nodes in the cluster, you can also use the
Command Fanout utility that is available from the Distributed Systems Administration Utilities
(DSAU) application. The Command Fanout utility uses SSH. DSAU can be opened from the
HP System Management Homepage (HP SMH), the single-system management application
that is available with the HP-UX Operating Environment. For more information on the Command
Fanout utility, see the Distributed Systems Administration Utilities User's Guide available at
the HP Technical Documentation Website at
7. Check the configuration using the cmcheckconf -P temp.config, and then apply the
Serviceguard configuration using the cmapplyconf -P temp.config command or HP
Building a Metrocluster Solution with EMC SRDF 277