Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

size, though they can have different RAID levels. In addition, they must be TPVVs or fully
provisioned virtual volumes.
NOTE: When a TPVV is configured as a primary volume in a Remote Copy volume group,
no data should be written on the secondary volume before adding it to the Remote Copy
volume group, or it must match the primary volume. This enables the primary and secondary
volumes to match during initial synchronization.
The Remote Copy volume group can be created either using HP 3PAR Management Console
GUI or HP 3PAR CLI commands using SSH. For better usability, configure Remote Copy volume
group using HP 3PAR Management Console GUI.
Using HP 3PAR Management Console GUI
You can configure CPG, virtual volumes, Remote Copy volume group using the HP 3PAR
Management Console graphical user interface. You can also export the created volumes to the
respective nodes in the cluster using HP 3PAR Management Console.
For more detailed information on setting up HP 3PAR Management Console to configure, manage,
and monitor your HP 3PAR storage system, see the HP 3PAR Management Console Online Help.
Using HP 3PAR CLI Commands using SSH
To create the Remote Copy volume groups on the primary and backup storage systems:
1. Log on to a 3PAR storage system from the host. You must use user with super or edit privileges
who has access to all domains.
# ssh <user_name>@system1
2. Create a CPG on both primary and recovery 3PAR storage systems. Issue the following
cli% createcpg -domain <domain_name> MC_CPG_RAID5
MC_CPG_RAID5 is the name of the CPG.
<domain_name> is the name of the domain to which the newly created CPG will belong.
If you are not using Domains, do not specify the option-domain otherwise, specify the
name of an existing domain in your system.
To list all the existing domains in the system, issue the following 3PAR command:
NOTE: If you want to create a new domain, issue the createdomain <domain_name>
command before creating the CPG.
3. Create a virtual volume for both the primary and recovery storage systems, that belongs to
the CPG created in step 2. Base volumes are not supported for Remote Copy. Create either
fully provisioned virtual volumes or TPVVs on both the primary and recovery storage systems.
To create a fully provisioned virtual volume:
cli% createvv -snp_cpg <snp_CPG> MC_CPG_RAID5 <volume_name>
To create a thinly provisioned virtual volume:
cli% createvv -tpvv snp_cpg <snp_CPG> usr_aw <percent> usr_al
<percent> MC_CPG_RAID5 <volume_name> <volume_size>
316 Building Disaster Recovery Serviceguard Solutions Using Metrocluster with 3PAR Remote Copy