Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

#### #### primary cluster. The recovery package name #### ####
#### #### includes the recovery cluster name, followed #### ####
#### #### by a slash ("/")followed by the package name #### ####
#### #### on the recovery cluster. #### ####
#### #### #### ####
#### #### The data receiver package name includes the #### ####
#### #### recovery cluster name, followed by a slash #### ####
#### #### ("/") followed by the name of the data #### ####
#### #### receiver package on the recovery cluster. #### ####
#### #### The rehearsal package name includes the #### ####
#### #### recovery cluster name, followed by a slash #### ####
#### #### ("/"). #### ####
#### #### Up to 29 recovery groups can be entered. #### ####
#### #### #### ####
#### #### Example: #### ####
#### #### RECOVERY_GROUP_NAME nfsgroup #### ####
#### #### PRIMARY_PACKAGE westcoast/nfspkg #### ####
#### #### DATA_SENDER_PACKAGE westcoast/nfssenderpkg #### ####
#### #### RECOVERY_PACKAGE eastcoast/nfsbackuppkg #### ####
#### #### DATA_RECEIVER_PACKAGE eastcoast/nfsreplicapkg#### ####
#### #### REHEARSAL_PACKAGE eastcoast/nfsrehearsalpkg #### ####
#### #### #### ####
#### #### RECOVERY_GROUP_NAME hpgroup #### ####
#### #### PRIMARY_PACKAGE westcoast/hppkg #### ####
#### #### DATA_SENDER_PACKAGE westcoast/hpsenderpkg #### ####
#### #### RECOVERY_PACKAGE eastcoast/hpbackuppkg #### ####
#### #### DATA_RECEIVER_PACKAGE eastcoast/nfsreplicapkg#### ####
#### #### REHEARSAL_PACKAGE eastcoast/hprehearsalpkg #### ####
Editing Section 3—Monitoring Definitions
Finally, enter monitoring definitions that define cluster events and set times at which alert and alarm
notifications are to be sent out. Define notifications for all cluster events—Unreachable, Down, Up,
and Error.
Although it is impossible to make specific recommendations for every Continentalclusters
environment, here are a few general guidelines about notifications.
1. Specify the cluster event by using the CLUSTER_EVENT keyword followed by the name of the
cluster, a slash (“/”) and the name of the status—Unreachable, Down, Up, or Error. Example:
2. Define a CLUSTER_ALERT at appropriate times following the appearance of the event. Specify
the elapsed time and include a NOTIFICATION message that provides useful information
about the event. Create as many alerts as needed, and send as many notifications as needed
to different destinations (see the comments in the file excerpt below for a list of destination
types). Note that the message text in the notification must be on a separate line in the file.
3. If the event is for a cluster in an Unreachable condition, define a CLUSTER_ALARM at
appropriate times. Specify the elapsed time since the appearance of the event (greater than
the time used for the last CLUSTER_ALERT), and include a NOTIFICATION message that
indicates what action should be taken. Create as many alarms as needed, and send as many
notifications as needed to different destinations (see the comments in the file excerpt below
for a list of destination types).
4. If using a monitor on a cluster containing no recovery packages, define alerts for the monitoring
of Up, Down, Unreachable, and Error states on the recovery cluster. It is not necessary to
define alarms.
A printout of Section 3 of the Continentalclusters ASCII configuration file follows.
#### #### Section 3. Monitoring Definitions #### ####
#### #### This section of the file contains monitoring #### ####
#### #### definitions. Well planned monitoring #### ####
82 Designing Continentalclusters