HP Storage Essentials V5.1 CLI Guide First Edition (T4283-96029, August 2006)

CLI Commands30
appiqclear -event -all -startdate <yyyy-mm-dd|today>
-starttime <hh:mm|now> -enddate
<yyyy-mm-dd|today> -endtime <hh:mm|now>
Description: Clears all the events generated between the given time intervals.
<yyyy-mm-dd|today> - is the date or today can be entered, for example 2005-05-23.
<hh:mm|now> - is the time (24-hour clock) or now can be entered, for example 10:45.
appiqclear -event -all -severity <severity>
Description: Clears all the events with the specified severity.
where <severity> is the severity of the event. See Table 3 on page 20 for more information. All
severities are included if you do not include the severity flag.
appiqclear -event -all -severity <severity> -startdate
<yyyy-mm-dd|today> -starttime <hh:mm|now>
-enddate <yyyy-mm-dd|today> -endtime
Description: Clears events with the specified severity and between the given time intervals.
<severity> - is the severity of the event. See Table 3 on page 20 for more information. All
severities are included if you do not include the severity flag.
<yyyy-mm-dd|today> - is the date or today can be entered, for example 2005-05-23.
<hh:mm|now> - is the time (24-hour clock) or now can be entered, for example 10:45.
appiqdelete -event <event id>
Description: Deletes the event specified by event id. This command can only delete events that are
associated with an element.
appiqdelete -event -all
Description: Deletes all the events. This command can only delete events that are associated with
an element.
appiqdelete -event -all -severity <severity>
Description: Deletes all event with the specified severity value, where <severity> - is the
severity of the event. See Table 3 on page 20 for more information. This command can only delete
events that are associated with an element.