HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide Second Edition (Linux Release) (T4283-96056, November 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 235
7 Database Maintenance and Management
This chapter contains the following topics:
Database Maintenance Window” on page 235
Overview of Backups” on page 236
Database Mode” on page 237
Architectural Overview of RMAN Backups” on page 238
Performing an RMAN Hot Backup” on page 240
Scheduling RMAN Hot Backups of the Database” on page 241
Viewing Results from RMAN Backup” on page 242
About the Database Admin Utility” on page 242
Database Password” on page 252
Troubleshooting Listener and Database Connection Problems” on page 253
Database Maintenance Window
Schedule a maintenance window of two to four hours weekly during off peak hours of operation to
do the following database maintenance operation:
1. Stop the service for the management server. See ”Stopping the Service for the Management
Server” on page 15.
2. Access the Database Admin Utility. See ”Accessing the Database Admin Utility” on page 243
for more information.
3. Using the Database Admin Utility, verify the database is in an open state and the listener is
running. See ”Checking the Database and Listener Status” on page 243.
If the database state is not OPEN and shows error get the following logs and then contact
technical support:
Log file for the Database Admin Utility (%MGR_DIST%/logs/dbAdmin.log)
Database alert log which can be found in one of the following locations:
Windows: \oracle\admin\APPIQ\bdump
UNIX systems: $ORACLE_BASE/admin/APPIQ/bdump
4. Reset the temporary tablespace, as described in ”Resetting the Temp and Undo Tablespace” on
page 247.
5. Export the database, as described in ”Exporting the Database” on page 245.
6. If the database is running in archive mode, set the database to no-archive mode, as described in
Setting the Archive Mode” on page 248. Then, clean the
\oracle\oradata\APPIQ\archive on Microsoft Windows and
$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/APPIQ/archive on UNIX systems.