HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide Second Edition (Linux Release) (T4283-96056, November 2006)

Viewing Element Topology and Properties266
To view information about a zone member's port, expand the zone member node, as shown in the
following figure. Notice that when you select the zone member node in the tree, it appears
highlighted in the right pane.
Figure 23 Obtaining Information About a Zone Member's Adapter
Obtaining Information About Host Bindings
To view the elements that have host bindings, click the Host Bindings node in the tree. The software
highlights the elements that have host bindings in the right pane, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 24 Highlighting Elements with Host Bindings
To view a host binding, click the HBA node in the tree. The HBA node is under the element node, as
shown in the following figure.