HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide First Edition (T4283-96026, August 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 169
5 Managing Licenses
To learn more about licensing, see the following topics:
About the License” on page 169
Importing a License File” on page 172
Viewing Cumulative Licenses” on page 173
Viewing a Specific License” on page 173
Deleting a License” on page 174
Import License File Window Appears Too Small” on page 174
About the License
The management server restricts the number elements it manages through its license. It is important
you keep your license up to date with the requirements of your network. The management server
has several different types of license restrictions, as shown in Table 17 on page 169.
Table 17 License Requirements
Type of Restriction Description Unit of Measurement
MAPs The management software restricts the
number of hardware elements it manages
through the use of managed access points
(MAPs) for hardware. A MAP is the sum of
all storage access ports of all hardware
elements that the management server
manages. See Table 18 on page 170 for
more information.
Number of MAPs
Back Up Size The management server determines
licensing for Backup Manager through
gigabytes (GB). The management server
compares the number of gigabytes for
Backup Manager with what you are
backing up. If you are backing up more
than your license allowed, you are warned
the next time you log onto the management
Gigabytes (GB)
Raw NetApp
The Raw NetApp Capacity is the total disk
capacity (unformatted capacity) of all
discovered NetApp filers.
Terabytes (TB)