HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide First Edition (T4283-96026, August 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 651
IMPORTANT: If you are starting the services manually, start the Oracle service before the service
for the management server.
Errors in the Logs
If you access the logs, you are shown messages resembling the following. The complete text has
been shorten as a result of space constraints:
Aug 04 2004 11:59:07] INFO
[com.appiq.service.policyManager.policyService.PolicyService] Creating
[Aug 04 2004 11:59:07] INFO
[com.appiq.service.policyManager.policyService.PolicyService] Created
[Aug 04 2004 11:59:07] INFO
[com.appiq.service.policyManager.policyService.PolicyService] Starting
[Aug 04 2004 11:59:07] INFO
[com.appiq.service.policyManager.policyService.PolicyService] Starting
Policy Factory
[Aug 04 2004 11:59:11] ERROR [com.appiq.security.DatabaseSecurityManager]
DatabaseSecurityManager Error:
org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not create connection; - nested
throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or
shutdown in progress
); - nested throwable: (org.jboss.resource.ResourceException: Could not
create connection; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01033:
ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
Permanently Changing the Port a
CIM Extension Uses (UNIX Only)
CIM Extensions on UNIX use port 4673 by default. You can start a CIM Extension on another port
by entering ./start -port 1234, where 1234 is the new port. With this method, you must
always remember to provide the nondefault port when starting the CIM Extension.
You can configure a CIM Extension to remember the nondefault port, so you only need to enter
./start to start the CIM Extension:
1. Go to the /opt/APPQcime/conf directory.
2. Open the cim.extension.parameters file in a text editor, and provide the following line:
-credentials username:password
-port 1234
IMPORTANT: The values for -credentials and –port must be on separate lines, as shown in
the example.
username is the user that is used to discover the CIM Extension. You will need to provide this
user name and its password when you discover the host.
password is the password of username.