HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide for Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition SRM Software (July 2008)

Managing Security148
Role Description — A description of the role.
Access Level — How much access the user has to a type of element, such as hosts, storage
systems, switches, and applications. See ”About Security for the Management Server” on
page 137 for more information.
Access to the <product name> — Components in the management server the user can access,
where <product name> is the name of your product.
To learn how to edit a role, see ”Editing Roles” on page 149.
Viewing the Properties of an Organization
If you are assigned the Domain Administrator role, you can determine which elements a user can
access by viewing the properties of the user's organization
To view the properties of an organization:
1. Access Storage Essentials through one of the menu options, such as Options > Storage Essentials
> Email Settings.
2. In the upper-right corner, click Security > Users.
3. In the Organization column, click the name of a organization.
4. Take one of the following actions:
To determine which elements are in a child organization, click the link of the child
To learn more about an element, click the element's link to display the following information:
Name — The name of the organization. This name appears in the users table (Security >
Description — A description of the organization
Organization MembersDetermines which elements the user can access. See ”About
Security for the Management Server” on page 137 for more information.
To learn how to edit an organization, see ”Editing an Organization” on page 153.
Managing Roles
This section contains the following topics:
Adding Roles, page 148
Editing Roles, page 149
Deleting Roles, page 150
Adding Roles
The management server ships with several roles. You can add roles to accommodate your
organization. For example, you might want to add a role for quality assurance. See ”About Security
for the Management Server” on page 137 for more information about roles and organizations.
Keep in mind the following: