HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Performing On-Report Analysis with Web Intelligence (August 2008)

Setting your Web Intelligence options30
Web Intelligence applies the preferences you selected the next time you open a Web
Intelligence document.
To define your reporting rules
1. Click the arrow next to View on the main toolbar above the selected report.
2. Click Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears.
3. Make sure the Reporting Rules tab is selected.
4. Select the appropriate options.
The following table provides information on the options:
If you want to... then...
apply the formatting options you
select for reports automatically,
as soon as you select each
Check Apply format
modifications automatically
display column and row headers
on tables without breaks,
NOTE: For more
information, see
Inserting, removing, and
prioritizing breaks” on
page 172.
Check Add table header
when the last break is
removed from a table
to apply the last sort you add on
a table first,
Select The last sort added
always takes precedence
to apply the last sort you add on
a table last,
Select The last sort added is
applied after any other
during a drill session, highlight
cells you drill with the format
specified by default
Select Apply the default
format settings to drillable
cells when selected