HP Storage Essentials V5.1 User Guide First Edition (T4283-96026, August 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 User Guide 409
11 Path Provisioning
IMPORTANT: Depending on your license, Path Provisioning may not be available. See the “List of
Features” to determine if you have access to Path Provisioning. The “List of Features” is accessible
from the Documentation Center (Help > Documentation Center in Storage Essentials).
This chapter describes the following:
About Path Provisioning” on page 409
How Path Provisioning Works” on page 411
How to Use Path Provisioning” on page 412
Default System Action Templates” on page 413
Creating a System Action Template” on page 440
Modifying a System Action Template” on page 441
Adding a Host” on page 441
Creating a Host Security Group” on page 442
Scheduling Provisioning Jobs” on page 443
Executing Provisioning Jobs” on page 445
Monitoring Provisioning Jobs” on page 445
Deleting Multiple Jobs” on page 446
Naming Conventions for Zones” on page 446
Using Multipathing with Path Provisioning” on page 447
Customizing Path Provisioning” on page 447
Assigning Templates to a Role” on page 452
About Path Provisioning
Path Provisioning lets you schedule provisioning tasks to take place at a later time when the
network traffic is light. For example, you could use Path Provisioning to schedule multiple
provisioning tasks to take place at 1 a.m. When you come in the later that morning, you can view
the status of the provisioning tasks.
You can also use Path Provisioning to identify host/storage dependencies so you can make
informed decisions when deciding where new volumes, zones or LUN security is needed.
To view the latest provisioning information in Path Provisioning, click the Refresh button. The
Refresh button updates the following:
The Path Provisioning screen with changes made in Provisioning Manager. For example,
assume you used the wizards in Provisioning Manager to create a host security group. When
you access Path Provisioning, your changes are not shown.