HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel (August 2008)

Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel 109
NOTE: The selected object appears in both boxes in the subquery outline. You
often use the same object in both boxes, although this is not required. If the objects
do not return any common values, the subquery returns no values, and the query
therefore returns no values.
4. Drag the Reservation Year object to the area of the subquery outline beneath the
Service objects.
Web Intelligence adds a WHERE condition on the Reservation Year object.
5. Set the Reservation Year condition operator to Equal To.
6. Type ‘FY2003’ in the Type a constant box.
NOTE: For more information on the types of operators you can use in the WHERE
condition, see ”Filtering data retrieval using query filters” on page 83.
7. Drag the Reservation Quarter object to the area of the subquery outline beneath the
Service objects.
Web Intelligence adds the Reservation Quarter object to the WHERE condition.
8. Set the Reservation Quarter condition operator to Equal To.
9. Type ‘Q1’ in the Type a constant box.
10.Click Run Query to run the query.
How the subquery components combine
How does the subquery in this example answer the question? By dragging the Service
object into the subquery as the Filter object, you ensure that the list of customers will be
filtered by service. By again dragging the Service object into the subquery as the Filter By
object, you ensure that Web Intelligence will filter the customer list by only those services
that satisfy certain criteria. By setting up the conditions in the subquery WHERE clause, you
specify those criteria and ensure that the list of services will include only those reserved in
Q1 of 2003.
What is a database ranking?
When you rank data you sort and filter it according to ranking criteria. Web Intelligence
allows you to return unranked data from a database, then rank it in Web Intelligence. (For
more information, see ”Ranking Data” on page 229.)
A database ranking allows you to specify a ranking at the query and database level so
that the data returned to Web Intelligence by the query is already ranked. This has the
following advantages:
Ranking data can be processing-intensive. By ranking at the database level you allow
the server, which is typically far more powerful than the client machine, to perform this