HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel (August 2008)

Using standard calculations260
NOTE: If you insert a percentage calculation, the results of the percentage are
displayed in an additional column or row of the table.
If you are Structure View, the calculation applies to the column definition. The definition
for the calculation appears in the new cell.
NOTE: You can create a break on a dimension to better organize the data. When
you split up the table by separating out a dimension, for example Year, the data is
reorganized based on the new grouping. The calculation is adjusted, and the total
is re-calculated using the remaining dimensions within each new Year group. You
now have a revenue total for each year group. See ”Using sections, breaks, and
sorts” on page 211.
Inserting multiple calculations
You can insert multiple calculations in a table or crosstab. When you apply two
calculations to a table or crosstab, a footer is added for each calculation result. You insert
multiple calculations in a table or crosstab in the same way that you insert one calculation,
but you repeat the procedure for as many calculations as you want to insert.
Inserting multiple calculations in a table or crosstab
To insert multiple calculations in a table or crosstab:
1. Verify that you are in Report View.
2. If you are in Results View, click a cell in the table or crosstab.
If you are in Structure View, click an object in the table or crosstab.
3. Click the down arrow next to the
Sum icon on the Report toolbar.
The calculation drop-down list appears.
4. Select a calculation.
5. Repeat steps
2. to 4. for each calculation that you want to apply.