HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel (August 2008)

Creating custom calculations320
What if you want to show the minimum revenue by year in a block with no break? You can
do this by specifying the output context in a formula. In this case, the formula looks like
Min ([Revenue]) In ([Year])
That is, the output context appears after the parentheses of the function whose output
context you are specifying. In this case, the output context tells Web Intelligence to
calculate minimum revenue by year.
If you add an additional column containing this formula to the block, the result is as
You can see that the Min By Year column contains the minimum revenues that appear in
the break footers in the previous report.
Notice that in this example, the input context is not specified because it is the default
context (Year, Quarter) for the block. In other words, the output context tells Web
Intelligence which revenue by year and quarter to output. In full, with both input and output
formulas explicitly specified, the formula looks like this:
Min ([Sales Revenue] In([Year];[Quarter])) In ([Year])
Explained in words, this formula tells Web Intelligence to “calculate revenues by year by
quarter, then output the smallest of these revenues that occurs in each year”.
What would happen if you did not specify the output context in the Min by Year
column? In this case, these figures would be identical to the figures in the Sales Revenue
column. Why? Remember that the default context in a block includes the dimensions in that
block. The minimum revenue by year by quarter is the same as the revenue by year by
quarter simply, because there is only one revenue for each year/quarter combination.
Specifying input and output contexts
You can specify both input and output contexts in the same formula.
Example: Specifying input and output contexts in the same formula