HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel (August 2008)

Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel 55
Working with combined queries
Building basic data providers” on page 33 on page 55 describes how to create basic
data providers. The data providers described in that chapter contain one query only. You
can create much more powerful data providers by including combined queries. Combined
queries are multiple queries on the same universe that return a single set of data.
Note: You cannot create combined queries across multiple universes.
Types of combined query
You can combine queries in three relationships:
In a union combination, Web Intelligence takes the all the data from both queries,
eliminates duplicate rows, and builds a combined data set.
In an intersection combination, Web Intelligence returns the data that is common to both
In a minus combination, Web Intelligence returns the data in the first query that does not
appear in the second.
Example: Union, intersect and minus queries
In this example you have two queries that return lists of countries as shown in the following
Query Values
Query 1 US; UK; Germany; France
Query 2 US; Spain