HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel (August 2008)

Filtering data retrieval using query filters88
Different from, Not in List and Except
Different from, Not in list, and Except are all operators that exclude certain data from
your query results. For example, you could use this query filter to obtain a list of customers
who have not bought accessories:
Lines Different From Accessories
However, the filter illustrated above would not exclude customers who had bought
accessories, if these customers had also bought other line products from your company.
The same is true if you use the Not in list operator.
If you used Except, the query would exclude all customers who had bought accessories,
whether they had bought other line products from your company or not.
How do I specify the value(s)?
When you define query filters, you specify the value(s) you want Web Intelligence to
retrieve from the database and return to the document. For example, if you want to limit
the document data to data for one or more countries, the value(s) you define will be the
names of those countries, such as the US and Japan.
There are two ways you can define the values for a filter using the Java Report Panel:
type the value yourself – this is called a constant
ask Web Intelligence to prompt you with the list of values present on the database so
you can select the values you want to retrieve
corresponds to
two values you
telco customers
who have both a
fixed telephone
and a mobile
Both [Account Type]
Both “fixed” and
corresponds to
one value you
specify and
does not
correspond to
another value
you specify
telco customers
who have a fixed
telephone, but
don’t have a
mobile phone,
Except [Account Type]
“fixed” Except
To obtain data... for example... select... to create the filter...