HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel (August 2008)

Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel 95
Combining multiple filters on a query
Typical business questions require to retrieve information that matches more than one
criteria. For example, if you are analyzing customer services data, you will most likely
want to focus on customers for a specific time period and also for a specific region, and
probably also for a specific level of customer service contract. With Web Intelligence, you
retrieve data that answers several criteria like this by combining filters in the same query.
Example: Analyze sales revenue this year at stores where the floor size is over 4,000
square feet and sales revenue figures are equal to or less than $1.5M
In this example, you are an operations manager for a retail chain. You want to analyze
information about the large retail stores in your chain that are making less than the sales
revenue figure your company has set as the target. To do this you add a predefined filter
on the [Year] dimension to specify that you only want to retrieve values for this year. Then
you create a second filter on the [Sales Floor Size] dimension to specify that you only want
to retrieve data for stores where the floor size is greater than 4,000 square feet. After this,
you create a third filter on the [Sales Revenue] measure to specify that you only want to
retrieve data for stores where the sales revenue figures are equal to or less than $1.5M.
Finally, you combine these three filters with the And operator:
When you run the query, only data for stores that satisfy all three criteria will be returned
to the report.
The section tells you how to:
combine query filters
combine simple filters with combined filters