HP OpenView Storage Mirroring User Guide (360226-002, May 2004)

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QJournalDir The location where the queue is stored.
Values: any valid path
Default: the location specified during the installation
GUI Setting: Server Properties, Queue tab, Location, Folder
For best results and reliability, you should select a dedicated, non-boot volume. The queue should
be stored on a fixed, local NTFS volume.
This location also stores the Storage Mirroring driver pagefile.
QJournalFileSize The size, in MB, of each queuing transaction log file.
Values: any valid file size, up to 4095 MB
Default: 5
GUI Setting: None
The minimum amount of disk space, in MB, in the specified
QJournalDir that must be available
at all times.
Values: dependent on the amount of physical disk space available
Default: 50
GUI Setting: Server Properties, Queue tab, Memory and Disk Usage, Minimum Free Space
The QJournalFreeSpaceMin should be less than the amount of physical disk space minus
QJournalPreload The number of operations being pulled from the disk queue at one time. Do not modify this
QJournalSpaceMax The maximum amount of disk space, in MB, in the specified
QJournalDir that can be used for
Storage Mirroring queuing. When this limit is reached, Storage Mirroring will automatically begin
the auto-disconnect process.
Values: dependent on the amount of physical disk space available
Default: Unlimited (equivalent to 4,294,967,295 MB)
GUI Setting: Server Properties, Queue tab, Memory and Disk Usage, Maximum disk space for
The unlimited setting allows the disk queue usage to automatically expand whenever the available
disk space expands. Setting this option to zero (
0) disables disk queuing.
QLogWriteThrough Specifies if the disk queues are write-through mode
Values: (
0) Disk queues are not write-through mode
1) Disk queues are write-through mode
GUI Setting
: None
While write-through mode may decrease the frequency of auto-disconnects, it may also decrease
the performance of the source server.
QmemoryBufferMax The amount of Windows system memory, in MB, that, when exceeded, will trigger queuing to
Values: dependent on the amount of physical memory available; minimum of 32 MB
Default: 128 MB
GUI Setting: Server Properties, Queue tab, Memory and Disk Usage, Maximum system memory
for queue
Program Setting Description