HP OpenView Storage Mirroring User Guide (360226-002, May 2004)

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Options ! repset—Name of the replication set
! target_machine—Name of the target machine, an IP address on the target machine, or a virtual IP
! MAP EXACT—Specifies that the replication set data will be sent to the same logical volume on the
target (c:\data and d:\files is copied to c:\data and d:\files, respectively)
! MAP BASE—The replication set data will be sent to the locations specified below:
! connect repset to target—If mappings are not specified with the command, map base
will be used by default. The data will be replicated to
on the target machine
! connect repset to target map base target_path—Substitute a complete path, including
the volume, for
target_path and the data will be replicated to target_path\SrcVolName on
the target machine
! connect repset to target map base source_path TO target_path—Custom location
that specifies each directory on the source and where that data will be copied to on the target
! ...—Indicates that the source_path TO target_path option can be used more than once for each
source directory in the replication set
! MIRRORAutomatically initiates a mirror when the connection is established
! NOMIRROR—Does not initiate a mirror when the connection is established
! REPLICATE—Automatically initiates replication when the connection is established
! NOREPLICATE—Does not initiate replication when the connection is established
! MONITORSpecifies that the target is going to monitor the specified source machine for failover.
The source machine must have already been defined as a monitor machine.
! NOMONITOR—Specifies that the target is not going to monitor the source machine for failover
! ORPHANSRemoves orphan files on the target
! NOORPHANS—Does not remove orphan files on the target
! connect Exchange to jersey map exact
! connect sql to jersey map base d:\DTFiles\
Notes ! The default settings for this command are mirror, replicate, nomonitor, and noorphans.
! If a path begins with a non-alphabetic character or if the replication set name includes
non-alphanumeric characters, the path or name must be enclosed in quotation marks.
! If you are establishing a connection within a NAT environment, you will need to specify the port
of the router after the IP address (seperated by a colon).