HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring scripting guide (T2558-96074, February 2008)

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AutoRemirror Specifies whether to remirror when a source is brought online after an auto-disconnect
Values: 0 Do not remirror
1 Perform a file differences checksum mirror
2 Perform a full mirror
3 Perform a file differences mirror
Default: 1
GUI Setting
: Server Properties, Setup tab, Source Module Startup Options, Perform Remirror
After Auto-Reconnect
AutoRemirrorRetry Specifies how often, in seconds, the source should check for connections that have been
reconnected but still need to be remirrored
Values: any integer
Default: 30
GUI Setting
: None
AutoRetransmit Determines whether or not a source that has lost its connection with a target will attempt to
reconnect to the target
Values: 0 Do not attempt to reconnect
1 Attempt to reconnect
GUI Setting
: None
BackupDir Location on the target of the backup of the replication sets
Values: any valid path
Default: the location where the Storage Mirroring files were installed
GUI Setting: None
CalculateByVolume Calculates the approximate size of a replication set by using the size of the volume and subtracting
the free space
Values: 0 Disabled
1 Enabled
Default: 0
GUI Setting
: None
If your replication set contains a large number of files, for example, ten thousand or more, you may
want to disable the calculation of the replication set size so that data will start being mirrored
sooner. If calculation is enabled, the source calculates the file size before it starts mirroring. This
can take a significant amount of time depending on the number of files and system performance.
Disabling calculation will result in the mirror status not showing the percentage complete or the
number of bytes remaining to be mirrored.
CalculateByVolume can be enabled as a
workaround. This setting will get the amount of disk space in use for the entire volume from the
operating system, so the calculation occurs instantaneously. However, if the entire volume is not
being replicated, the mirror percentage complete and bytes remaining will be incorrect accordingly.
CalculateOnConnect Specifies whether or not the replication set size should be calculated on connection
Values: 0 Do not calculate on connection
1 Calculate on connection
Default: 1
GUI Setting: Connection Manager, Mirroring tab, Calculate Replication Set size on connection
This entry is no longer used.
Server Setting Description