HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring scripting guide (T2558-96074, February 2008)

12 - 9
FileQueueSize When a mirror is started, one thread reads from the disk and builds the file queue. Another set of
threads reads files off of the queue and sends them to the target. This setting is the maximum size
of the queue in entries. If you had 100 files to be mirrored and this was set to 16 (the default
value), the first thread would fill the queue to a maximum of 16 entries.
Values: 1 - 65535
Default: 16
GUI Setting
: None
This value must be set prior to starting the mirror process. The higher the number, the more
memory that is used.
Specifies additional failover options
Values: 0 Use standard failover add / replace settings with no additional settings
1 Replace the target server name with that of the source and add the source IP
2 Add the source server name to the target and replace the target IP address
3 Replace the target server name with that of the source and replace the target IP
Default: 0
GUI Setting
: Failover Control Center, Monitor Settings, Failover Method
ForceVerifyOnMirror Specifies if verification will be performed with every difference mirror
Values: 0 Verification is not performed with every difference mirror
1 Verification is performed with every difference mirror
Default: 0
GUI Setting
: None
HBExternalRate Number of seconds between heartbeats
Values: 0 - 65535
Default: 3
GUI Setting: Server Properties, Network tab, Heartbeat, Time between Heartbeats
HP recommends a value that is less than
10 (see HBTTL). Zero (0) turns the heartbeats off.
HBInternalRate This entry is no longer used.
HBLoopback This entry is no longer used.
HBTrace Specifies whether the heartbeat debugging information is generated
Values: 0 not generated
1 Generated
Default: 0
GUI Setting: Server Properties, Network tab, Heartbeat, Show Heartbeat Messages in Logger
HBTTL Number of seconds without receiving a heartbeat before a remote machine is considered
Values: 0 - 65535
Default: 10
GUI Setting
: Server Properties, Network tab, Heartbeat, Missed Heartbeat Limit
HeartbeatIgnoreIPs Indicates an IP address to be ignored by the Management Console. An ignored IP address will not
be displayed in the Management Console servers tree.
Values: an IP address in the format x.x.x.x
Default: none
GUI Setting
: None
Server Setting Description