HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring scripting guide (T2558-96074, February 2008)

12 - 21
ShutdownTimeout The amount of time, in seconds, for the service to wait prior to completing the shutdown so that
Storage Mirroring can persist data on the target in an attempt to avoid a remirror when the target
comes back online
Values: any valid number of seconds where 0 (zero) indicates waiting indefinitely and any other
number indicates the number of seconds
GUI Setting
: Server Properties, Setup tab, Server Shutdown Timeout
This setting only controls the service shutdown from the Storage Mirroring clients. It does not
control the service shutdown through a reboot or from the Service Control Manager.
A period delimited list of file types that are not compressed, even if compression is enabled.
Values: any period delimited list of file types
Default: mp3.exe.wmv.wma.qt.mpg.mpeg.zip.jpg.jpeg.tiff.tar.rar.cab
GUI Setting: None
SnapshotType Specifies the type of snapshot that Storage Mirroring takes
0 Create a client-accessible snapshot based on the type of connection established
1 Always create a client-accessible snapshot
2 Always create a non-client-accessible snapshot
GUI Setting
: None
SourcePendingAcks The number of operations received by the target queue in which the source is waiting for a
Values: 100 - 20,000
Default: 2000
GUI Setting: None
Path on the source where the source post-failback script is located
Values: Any valid path
Default: <null>
GUI Setting: Failover Control Center, Monitor Settings, Scripts, Source, Post-Failback
Arguments to be used with the source post-failback script
Values: Any valid argument
Default: <
GUI Setting: Failover Control Center, Monitor Settings, Scripts, Source, Post-Failback, Arguments
StartupScript Used by the Full-Server Failover Option to control the post-failover script after reboot after
failover. Do not modify this entry.
StatsDriverLogFlags Indicates which driver statistics are logged to the Storage Mirroring log
Values: 0 No driver statistics are logged.
Values: 1 State
2 Operations
4 Paging
8 Timing
Default: 0
GUI Setting
: None
Use the sum of various values to log multiple driver statistics. For example, a setting of
5 would
log paging and state statistics. A setting of
7 would log paging, operations, and state statistics. A
setting of
15 would log all driver statistics.
Server Setting Description