HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Recover User's Guide (T5437-96008, November 2009)

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scripting the DNS updates in the failover and failback scripts. You have two options for
scripting the DNS updates.
Windows DNSCMD command—The Windows Support Tools contain a DNS
Server Troubleshooting Tool utility. This utility includes the DNSCMD command
which can be scripted to delete and add host and reverse lookup entries in DNS.
Storage Mirroring Recover DFO command—Storage Mirroring Recover also has a
utility, called the DFO (DNS Failover). The DFO command can be used to script
the deletion and addition of the host and reverse lookup entries in DNS. This utility
can be found on the product CD.
Windows DNSCMD command
DNS updates can be added to your failover and failback scripts by using the Windows
DNSCMD command as long as dynamic updates are enabled on the DNS zone and the
account running the Storage Mirroring service is a member of the DNSAdmins security
group. (See your Microsoft documentation to verify if dynamic updates are enabled.) Add
the following commands to your failover and failback scripts to delete the host and
reverse lookup entries and add new entries associating the source to the target.
dnscmd DNS_server’s_FQDN /RecordDelete DNS_zone source_server_name
A source_server_IP_address /f
dnscmd DNS_server’s_FQDN /RecordDelete www.xxx.in-addr.arpa zzz.yyy PTR
source_server’s_FQDN /f
dnscmd DNS_server’s_FQDN /RecordAdd DNS_zone source_server_name A
dnscmd DNS_server’s_FQDN /RecordAdd aaa.bbb.in-addr.arpa ddd.ccc PTR
Variable Description
The fully qualified domain name of the DNS server
DNS_zone The name of the DNS zone
The name of the source server
The IP address on the source