HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Recover User's Guide (T5437-96008, November 2009)

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Category Statistic Description
The date and time that the snapshot was
taken. This is the date and time that each
statistic was logged. By default, these are
generated once a second, as long as there
are statistics being generated. If
mirroring/replication is idle, then DTStat will
be idle as well.
SystemAllocator Total Bytes
The number of bytes currently allocated to
the system pagefile
IQAllocator Total Bytes
The number of bytes currently allocated to
the intermediate queue
Logins The number of successful login attempts
FailedLogins The number of failed login attempts
0—Source is not running
1—Source is running without the
replication driver
2—Source is running with the
replication driver
Kernel TargetState
0—Target is not running
1—Target is running
Kernel Start Time
Date and time stamp indicating when the
Storage Mirroring service was loaded
Kernel RepOpsGenerated
The number of replication operations
generated by the file system driver. An op is
a file system operation. Storage Mirroring
Recover replicates data by sending the file
system operations across the network to the
target. RepOpsGenerated indicates the
number of file system operations that have
been generated by replication.