HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Recover User's Guide (T5437-96008, November 2009)

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/scriptpre prerestore (optional)—The script to run after the target SQL
Server services are stopped but before normal protection is resumed. The
script should be located in the Storage Mirroring Recover folder on the
target server. If there are spaces in the file name, enclose the script path
in quotation marks.
/srcver <2000|2005|2008|MSDE|EXPR>—The version of SQL running
on the source server
/tarver <2000|2005|2008|MSDE|EXPR>—The version of SQL running
on the target server
/interactive—Runs the Target Data Verification utility in user-interactive
You will be prompted to press any key to continue” before the test is
Once drives are mounted, you will be prompted to “press any key to
continue” to restore the target to the pre-test stage.
/?—Display this help message
/help—Display this help message