HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring user's guide (T2558-96073, February 2008)

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Installing or upgrading Storage Mirroring
Use these instructions to install Storage Mirroring or upgrade an existing Storage Mirroring installation. If you are using the
same installation files as your existing Storage Mirroring installation, you can modify or repair the existing installation.
1. Close any open applications.
2. Start the installation program using the appropriate instructions, depending on your media source.
CD—Load the Storage Mirroring CD into the local CD-ROM drive. If auto-run is enabled, the installation program
will start automatically. To manually start the program, select
Start, Run and specify <cd_drive>:\autorun.exe.
Web download—Launch the .exe file that you downloaded from the web.
3. Review and accept the Storage Mirroring license agreement to continue with the installation program. Click Next to
4. If you already have Storage Mirroring installed and you are using the same installation files, you will be prompted to
modify, repair, or remove the the existing installation. Select
Modify or Repair and complete the remaining steps in the
5. Select the type of installation you want to perform.
Client and Server Components—Installs the Storage Mirroring server and client components
Client Components Only—Installs the Storage Mirroring client components only
Server Components Only—Installs the Storage Mirroring server components only
Select the option appropriate for your machine. You can also specify where the files will be installed.
Next to continue.
6. You will be prompted to enter your activation code information. Your Activation Code is a 16- or 24-character,
alpha-numeric activation code which applies the appropriate Storage Mirroring license to your installation. You must
have a valid activation code to use Storage Mirroring. Add-on codes are optional. If you purchased any add-on
components, enter each
Add-on Code individually and click Add. The code type and the expiration date, if any, will be
displayed. After you have entered all of your codes, click
Next to continue.
7. The next screen will depend on the activation code you entered.
If you have entered a valid activation code, you will be prompted to confirm the code. Click Next to continue the
If you have entered an invalid activation code, you will be prompted that the code is incorrect and that the Storage
Mirroring source and target modules will not load. Click
Back and reenter your activation code.
If you have entered an evaluation activation code, the expiration date will be displayed and you will be prompted that
the Storage Mirroring source and target modules will not load after that date. Click
Next to continue the installation.
You must update the activation code to a valid one through the Management Console before the expiration date,
otherwise, on the expiration date, Storage Mirroring functionality will be disabled.
8. Storage Mirroring uses system memory to store data in queues. Specify the maximum amount of system memory to be
used for the Storage Mirroring queues and click
Next to continue. The default setting is 128 MB. If you set it lower,
Storage Mirroring will use less system memory, but you will queue to disk sooner which may impact system
performance. If you set it higher, Storage Mirroring will maximize system performance by not queuing to disk as soon,
but the system may have to swap the memory to disk if the system memory is not available. In general, the amount of
memory Storage Mirroring and other applications on the server are configured to use should be less than the amount of
physical memory on the system to prevent low memory conditions.
9. When the Storage Mirroring system memory queue is exhausted, Storage Mirroring will queue to disk. Specify the size
and location of the disk queue. By default, the disk space is set to
Unlimited which will allow the queue usage to
automatically expand whenever the available disk space expands. Click
Next to continue.
10. The Storage Mirroring security information screen appears next. Review this information and click Next to continue
with the installation.
11. If you are satisfied with the selections you have made and are ready to begin copying the Storage Mirroring files, click
NOTE: If you selected the Client Components Only installation type, the remaining setup screens are skipped.