HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring for Linux User's Guide (T2558-96317, June 2009)

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SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol, is the Internet's standard for remote monitoring and
management of hosts, routers and other nodes and devices on a network. Storage Mirroring provides
an SNMP sub-agent that monitors Storage Mirroring and can be managed from an SNMP Management
Storage Mirroring installs two components to work with SNMP.
The sub-agent is a program that installs and runs on the same machine as Storage Mirroring and
gathers statistics, data, and traps. The sub-agent forwards the information to the SNMP agent,
which relays the information to the manager. The Storage Mirroring SNMP sub-agent is included
in the Storage Mirroring installation program.
A Storage Mirroring MIB file is placed on the administrator’s machine so that the management
console can interpret the data sent from the sub-agent. The Storage Mirroring .mib file is
NSI-DT.mib and meets SNMP standard
Configuring SNMP
SNMP must be installed, configured, and working on your server.
1. Stop the SNMP daemon (snmpd).
2. Make a backup copy of the SNMP configuration file snmpd.conf.
3. In order to run the Storage Mirroring sub-agent, master agentx is needed to turn on agentx. Add
the master agent line to snmpd.conf.
master agentx
4. So that the SNMP daemon can locate the Storage Mirroring MIB, add the path to the Storage
Mirroring MIB by adding an entry to the snmp.conf file.
mibfile /usr/share/snmp/mibs/NSI-DT-MIB.txt
5. Restart the SNMP daemon (snmpd).
6. Start the master agent.
#snmpd -f -Le -x /var/agentx/master &
7. Start the Storage Mirroring SNMP sub-agent.
#DTSubAgent >& /dev/null &
8. You can test SNMP by trying either of the following commands.
#snmpget -v2c -c public localhost dtGeneral.dtUpTime.0
#snmpget -v2c -c public localhost NSI-MIB::dtUpTime
NOTE: The Storage Mirroring SNMP sub-agent is only supported for NET-SNMP v2c.
NOTE: Instead of starting the master agent and Storage Mirroring sub-agent separately, you
can add them both to init.d to start them automatically.
Other Application’s
Operating System Specific
SNMP Master