HP StorageWorks Auto Path XP for AIX V04.40-/B Installation Guide (B7949-96009, November 2004)

18 HP StorageWorks Auto Path for AIX: Installation Guide
7. Define the physical volumes to be managed by Auto Path.
If you want to let the DLM driver recognize all volumes that can be
managed by the DLM driver, this step is unnecessary. Continue with
step 9.
To limit the volumes to be managed, you may either specify the
volumes to be managed or specify the volumes you do not want
Example To specify the volumes to be managed, enter the logical names of
these volumes (hdisks) in the configuration file:
Enter all hdisk references for paths to the same LUN. If only volumes
hdisk5 and hdisk7 are used with Auto Path and reference paths to the
same LUN, dlmfdrv.conf will contain the following:
Note When booting from a Fibre Channel device, the boot device (usually
hdisk0) must be placed in the dlmfdrv.unconf file or be configured so
as to be excluded from Auto Path’s control.
Example To specify the volumes to not be managed, enter the logical names of
these volumes (hdisks) in the unconf file:
If physical volumes hdisk4 and hdisk6 are not to be recognized by the
DLM driver, dlmfdrv.unconf will contain the following:
If dlmfdrv.unconf and dlmfdrv.conf do not exist, the Auto Path
configuration manager automatically creates the instances of the
devices for all of the disks supported by Auto Path.