HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Administrator Guide (T3680-96069, June 2012)

4 Working with operating systems
This chapter describes replication manager setup and management procedures that are specific
to operating systems. For supported operating systems, see the HP P6000 Enterprise Virtual Array
Compatibility Reference.
NOTE: If you upgrade the OS version of a server on which the replication manager host agent
or replication manager server is running, you must reinstall the affected replication manager
component after the upgrade is complete. If the server being upgraded contains a replication
manager host agent, any jobs that refer to that server must be re-created.
This section describes special replication procedures for all hosts.
Devices mounted by the replication manager do not persist through a reboot
The mount method used by the replication manager does not guarantee that the mounted device
will retain its drive letter or mount point if the host reboots. If the server reboots, check to see if the
expected devices are still mounted on the replication manager-chosen mount points.
NOTE: While running any job on windows that includes the MountHostvolume job verb,
before Continuing the job after a Pause, ensure that the mount point is ready for unmounting. If
any task is running on the mount point, that job will forcefully unmount the host volume.
Volumes mount automatically after a reboot
The fstab configuration file contains information on all the partitions and storage devices in your
computer. If you have root privileges, you can open and edit /etc/fstab with the text editor of
your choice.
Enter the command vi /etc/fstab to view the file. The basic structure of the output is in the
dev/mount_ point file_system_type mount_opt dump_opt fsck_opt
Actual output can vary because partitions, devices and their properties are different on different
For example:
vi /etc/fstab
/dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hdb1 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto rw,noauto,user,sync 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda1 swap swap pri=42 0 0
To ensure automatic mount volumes upon reboot, edit the fstab file to add the mount point entry
using one of the following commands:
#vi /etc/fstab (LINUX, HPUX, TRU64)
#vi /etc/vfstab (Solaris)
#vi /etc/filesystems (AIX)
NOTE: The mount point is user defined.
General 35