HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Administrator Guide (T3680-96069, June 2012)

Invalid user defined log size.
Adjust the log size before you transition to enhanced asynchronous replication:
For XCS 6.000 or later, the log size must be a minimum of 1,624 MB.
For XCS 09000000 or later, the log size must be a minimum of 5,120 MB.
DR group log is not resized
You can expand the size of a DR group member (virtual disk), regardless of whether the DR group
is in synchronous mode or asynchronous mode. However, there are considerations for expansion
in enhanced asynchronous mode between arrays running XCS 6.0xx or later.
If you expand a virtual disk while in enhanced asynchronous mode, the DR group log is not resized
to reflect the expanded virtual disk. Depending on the size of expansion, the log may or may not
be able to accommodate the change.
HP recommends that you expand a DR group member only when the DR group is in synchronous
1. Change the write mode from asynchronous to synchronous.
2. Complete the expansion of the DR group member.
3. If you have already set the maximum size of the DR group log, change the log size to
accommodate the expanded DR group member. If the log size was determined by the controller
software, no user action is necessary.
4. Change the write mode to asynchronous.
The DR group log size is adjusted to accommodate the expanded DR group member.
Server event log
The server event log (Storage.evt) is located in the following directory:
HP Replication Solutions Manager install
Storage.evt events are displayed in the HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager server GUI.
When viewed in Notepad, the .evt file the event times appear in an unreadable binary format.
Storage.evt contains system-generated messages resulting from:
User-initiated actions (for example, suspend DR group)
Replication-related or array incidents (for example, retrieved data for array)
Jobs (for example, job complete)
Virtual disk operations (for example, new container)
By default, event messages are written to a set of five rotating files with a default size limit of 10
MB each; however, you can increase the size of these files. When the current file reaches its size
limit, it changes to a .1 history file, the oldest file is rotated out, and a new file is opened. You
can also configure files to rotate by hour, day, week, or month. Whatever option is selected (size
or time) takes precedence over the other options. For example, if you choose rotate by month,
you will not be limited to the default size of 10 MB. You can also view event messages in the event
pane. For more information about the event pane, see the online help.
You can use the CLUI capture commands to gather server events logs. For more information, see
the HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager CLUI Reference.
Event pane does not display all event logs
The number of event logs that appear in the event pane is inconsistent with the number of event
logs that appear in the directory HP Replication Solutions Manager install
44 Troubleshooting replication problems