HP StorageWorks EVA replication software consolidated release notes (T3687-96056, February 2006)

Replication man
ager xed issues
Installing replication manager on non-English versions of Windows
Previously, after installing the replication m a nag er on a non-Engl ish version of Windows, you c ould not
use I nternet Explorer to browse to the replication manager fro m a client or access documentation from
the user interface. This has been xed.
Replication manager workarounds
Installation an d conguration
Storage array discovery fails after a management change
After changing the management server, replication manager automatic and manual discovery of storage
resources fail. After an at tempted discovery, the operational state of storage resources appears as
1. In HP Command View EV A, select a storage array.
2. If the following error message appears, go to the next step.
Operation failed!
Target Object Does Not Exist
3. In the HP Command View EV A Navigation pane, select EVA Storage Network.
The HSV Storage Properties window appears.
4. In the HSV S
torage Properties window, click Discover.
y of stora g e resources in HP Command View EVA is performed. Wait for the discovery to
complete b
efore performing the next step (this may take several minutes).
5. On the rep
lication manager toolbar, click the refresh icon (button) then click OK.
A g lobal r
efresh of storage resource in the replication ma nager is performed (this may take several
6. When the globa l refresh is complete, refresh the Content pane to display the newly discovered
Reinstalling the replication manager creates a database error
If you reinstall the replication manager on a management server where it is currently installed, the
following error messages appear:
Failed to create a new database
SOLID SRV Fatal Error 30150: Server not started.
Resolution: Click OK when each message appears. The reinstallation continues, which removes the
contents of the existing database. The reinstallation creates the default, empty database that is created
during a rst-time installation.
Adding or deleting a management server
Adding or deleting a manag ement server from the current manag em ent server is not supported. The New
and Delete but tons on the Conguration EVA Management Servers window are inactive.
HP StorageWorks EVA replication soft ware consolidated release notes (XCS 5.1x)