4.0.0 HP Polyserve Matrix Server Release Notes (T5392-96051, March 2010)

URL in HTTP service monitor can cause virtual host to fail
The URL assigned to an HTTP service monitor should not reference the virtual host with which the
HTTP service monitor is associated. If the virtual host is down, the HTTP service monitor will not be
able to make a connection to the virtual host address and will also be down. A down service monitor
on a virtual host then tends to keep the virtual host from ever being instantiated.
psfscheck incorrectly reports attribute errors
When psfscheck is run on a filesystem created on Matrix Server 2.5 or earlier, it may report an
error such as the following:
Pass 3: Checking semantic tree directory 0 8334 has broken attribute 0x0
You can safely ignore this message. The attribute bit was not set in Matrix Server 2.5 and earlier
releases. (If psfscheck is run in a mode other than read-only, it will fix the error.)
Error when installing from a CIFS share
Matrix Server can be installed from a CIFS share; however, you should be aware of the following
When the mxcheck utility is executed from a CIFS share, the HBA test will fail. Although a detailed
error message is not reported, a line such as the following will be printed:
Failure: Check for supported HBAs, drivers, and settings (hba_test)
The HBA test passes when mxcheck is executed from CD or from a copy on a local disk.
Matrix may not start when fencing method is changed
If the fencing method is changed and all servers in the matrix were not shut down cleanly, the matrix
may not be able to start successfully. To check for this condition and correct it if necessary, first run
the mpdump command with no options.
Membership Partition Host Registry (Version 3):
Host ID: fencestatus=0 fencetype=0
Fence ID:21:00:00:e0:8b:0c:12:1f:: state=0
Host ID: fencestatus=0 fencetype=0
Fence ID:21:00:00:e0:8b:05:c2:b1:: state=0
Fence ID:21:01:00:e0:8b:25:c2:b1:: state=0
Host ID: fencestatus=0 fencetype=0
Fence ID:21:00:00:e0:8b:10:ee:88:: state=0
If the output includes any Host ID entries, you will need to clear the entries from the host registry
as described below. If there are no Host ID entries in the output, you do not need to take any
To clear the host registry, complete these steps:
1. Save the existing membership partition data:
mpdump -F
2. Recreate the membership partitions. This command clears the Matrix Server host registry and
then recreates the membership partitions using the data saved in step 1.
mpimport -M -F
File Server Resource Manager cannot be used
The File Server Resource Manager provided with Windows 2003 R2 is not compatible with PSFS
volumes and cannot be used to manage them.
HP PolyServe Matrix Server release notes 9