4.1.0 HP Polyserve Matrix Server Release Notes (T5392-96068, October 2010)

Backup instance monitor can remain disabled
This issue can occur when multiple Virtual SQL Servers use the same backup node and have
instances with identical names. When a Virtual SQL Server is moved to maintenance mode, the
SQL monitors for the associated instances are disabled. On the backup node, this affects the other
Virtual SQL Servers having instances with the same names; their monitors are also disabled. When
the Virtual SQL Server is returned to operational mode, the SQL monitors for that Virtual SQL Server
are re-enabled on the backup node. However, the SQL monitors for the other Virtual SQL Servers
may remain disabled.
Workaround. If your configuration uses the same backup node for multiple Virtual SQL Servers
having instances with the same name, check all SQL monitors after moving a Virtual SQL Server
from maintenance to operational mode. If any monitors are disabled, re-enable them manually.
MxMigrate utility cannot back up databases when LocalSystem account is used
To check for access to the backup directory, the Migration tool executes Exec
master..xp_cmdshell N’dir <backup_path or restore_path> from the source and
target server. It is necessary to allow xp_cmdshell execution during the migration.
The user running the Migration Utility and the user account under which the SQL Server process
is running must have read, write, list, create, and delete permission within the folder. LocalSystem
account is a highly privileged account that has full access to the local machine but does not have
access to network shares. It is recommended that you use a domain user account for your SQL
Server service instead. This applies to both the source and target server.
Undo operation does not remove user data files
If an attempt to create a Virtual SQL instance fails, an undo operation is run to undo any tasks that
were completed and return the Virtual SQL Server to its original state. However, the undo operation
does not remove the user data files that were copied during the attempt to create the Virtual SQL
Workaround. Remove the directory that was specified for the files during the attempt to create the
Virtual SQL instance.
Installation of Reporting Services fails silently
Installing more than one instance of Reporting Services on the same node is not supported and
the second installation will fail silently. Installing 32-bit Reporting Services on a 64-bit node will
also fail because of a known Microsoft issue. To work around the problem, use the installation
and configuration procedures in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
Multi-Node Upgrade Wizard lists SQL instances for unsupported versions of SQL Server
When you update a SQL instance with a service pack or hotfix, the Multi-Node Upgrade Wizard
lists all SQL instances found on the nodes in the matrix, including instances for versions of SQL
Server (MSDE, SQL Express, or Workgroup) that are not supported by HP PolyServe Software for
Microsoft SQL Server. Be sure to select the appropriate instances to patch.
Instance version does not match Add/Remove Programs
When more than 32 SQL Server instances are installed on a node, the version numbers shown in
Add/Remove Programs do not match the actual version numbers of the instances. This is a Microsoft
Forcefully terminating MNI leaves process running
When the MNI GUI or CLI is forcefully terminated (for example, with Ctrl-C), the backend process
mssql_mni_cgi.exe continues to run.
Workaround. Run taskkill /im mssql_mni_cgi.exe on the affected nodes.
HP PolyServe Matrix Server 4.1.0 release notes 17