HP StorageWorks 4x00/6x00/8x00 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (XCS 6.200) (5697-7958, February 2009)

The report can then be used to determine if any of your SAN comp onents a re not supported by XCS
6.200 and must be replaced.
Using SAN Visibility is optional.
SAN Visibility requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5.0 or later. You can download the most current
JRE version from Sun's website: h
Installing SAN Visibility
SAN Visibility is typically installed on the mana gement server running HP Command View EVA.
1. Download SAN Visibility from the following website:
ttp://h18006.www1. hp.com/products/storageworks/san/index.html
Click SAN Visibility under Networking Solutions.
2. Double-click the downloaded le to launch the installation.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
Using SAN Visibility
Before running SAN Visibility for the rst time, you will need the following information:
The IP addresses of the switches in your SAN connected to the storage system being upgraded.
You must have SNMP access to the switches to colle ct information from them.
The name or IP address of your SMTP mail server to send reports automatically.
The following steps provide an overview of using SAN Visibility. For complete information about using
this tool, see the SAN Visibility online help.
1. Double-click the SAN Visibility icon on the desktop.
The SAN Visibility management page opens with the SAN Settings option selected.
2. Select Customer Details.SeeFigure 5.
3. Enter the customer data.
a. EnteryournameinName. This information is required.
b. Enter your e-mail address in E-Mail to receive the completed report. This information is required.
It is not necessary to have an e-mail address connected to the EVA controller. You should enter
the e-mail address where you typically receive e-mail.
c. Enter da ta in the remaining boxes as appropriate. This information is included in the reports,
but is not required.
HP Stora g eWorks 4x00/6x00/8x0 0 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide (XCS 6.200)