HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity User Guide (5697-0511, August 2010)

You can exit the set system command window without making changes to the existing values by
pressing q or Q, and then pressing Enter.
2. Enter a unique Symbolic Name or press Enter to accept the current value.
] MPX100-65[
System Symbolic Name (Max = 64 charac-
][DisabledEmbed Symbolic Name (0=Enable,1=Disable)
][0System Log Level (Min = 0, Max = 3)
The Symbolic Name syntax must follow the iSCSI standard for IQN naming. Only the following
ASCII characters (U+0000 to U+007F), are allowed:
ASCII dash character (-) = U+002d
ASCII dot character (.) = U+002e
ASCII colon character (:) = U+003a
ASCII lowercase characters (a through z) = U+0061 through U+007a
ASCII digit characters (0 through 9) = U+0030 through U+0039
See section 3.2.6 of Request for Comments (RFC) 3720 (iSCSI) for a description of the iSCSI
name string profile. You can access RFC 3720 at the FTP site: ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/
3. Enable the Embed Symbolic Name option.
When this setting is enabled, the mpx100/100b embeds the symbolic name as part of the Target
IQN on the iSNS server. This also helps users to recognize the target if multiple mpxs are registered
with the same iSNS server.
] MPX100-65[
System Symbolic Name (Max = 64 charac-
]0[DisabledEmbed Symbolic Name (0=Enable,1=Disable)
][0System Log Level (Min = 0, Max = 3)
4. Reboot the mpx100/100b.
The new attribute values are saved and in effect.
EVA iSCSI Connectivity User Guide 65