HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.2 Install Guide (T1789-96317, May 2011)

1. Complete the following verifications, rectify the errors that are displayed, and proceed to the
next step:
a. Click Test Validity to verify if the DNS or IP address of the management station that you
provided on the Connection Settings installation window is valid.
If the installer displays the following message, it indicates that you must verify and provide
a valid DNS or IP address:
The DNS or IP address entered for your management station is incor-
Click Back to go to the Connection Settings installation window and provide valid entries.
Then, click Next to come back to this installation window and repeat the Test Validity pro-
b. Click Test Connectivity to verify if the command devices are configured and presented to the
If the installer displays the following message, it indicates that you must create and assign
command devices to the host.
The host does not have connectivity to command devices.
Check whether a command device is created and presented to the host. For more information,
see Creating and presenting command devices to hosts on page 36.
Repeat the Test Connectivity procedure.
c. Click Test GUID to verify if the Windows GUID (\\?\Volume{GUID}) is created and assigned
to command devices on the Windows host. GUIDs help to overcome device renaming and
device remapping issues during performance data collection.
If the installer displays the following message, it indicates that you must create and assign
Windows GUID (\\?\Volume{GUID}) to command devices on the Windows host.
The host does not have command devices configured as GUID's. Refer
to the Installation Guide for steps on how to configure a command
device as a GUID.
Check whether the Windows GUID (\\?\Volume{GUID}) is created and assigned to command
devices on Windows host. For more information, see Assigning GUIDs for command devices
on a Windows host agent on page 82.
Repeat the Test GUID procedure.
2. Click Next to proceed.
The Custom Setup window appears. For more information on the next set of steps, see Selecting
complete or custom installation method on page 77.
Resolving validity, connectivity, and GUID configuration errors after installation
To resolve the validity and connectivity issues after the Windows host agent installation, complete the
Provide a valid DNS or IP address, and HTTP port number:
1. Open the paxp_service.properties file from the <Installation_Drive>:\Program
Files\Hewlett-Packard\xppa\hostagent\config folder on your host system. If it
is a custom install location, the file is available in the <Installation_Drive>:\<Install-
ation_Directory>\hostagent\config folder.
2. Edit the following fields based on which one has an incorrect entry:
ManagementStation.Hostname=<fully qualified domain name or IP
address>, where you provide a valid DNS or IP address.
Installing the P9000 Performance Advisor host agents76