HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.4 User Guide (T1789-96328, April 2012)

Initially, when performance data collection is not yet configured for the XP and the P9000 disk arrays,
the following details are displayed in the Performance Collection table, under the Performance
Collection tab:
DescriptionScreen elements
Displays the DKC number of the XP or the P9000 disk array.Array
Displays the system name of the host.Host ID
Displays the port that is configured to communicate data between the
command device on an XP or a P9000 disk array and the associated host.
Displays the LDEV ID of the LDEV that is configured as a command device.Cmddev
Displays the device file for the command device.DeviceFile
No schedule name.Schedule Name
Displays 0,0,0Frequency (DKC, RG, Port)
Displays the View link, clicking which displays empty schedule, as the
schedule is not yet created.
Related Topics
Viewing a performance data collection schedule on page 80
Editing frequency of performance data collection on page 81
Starting performance data collection on page 82
Deleting performance data collection schedule on page 82
Restarting the performance data collection in case of a disk failure on page 80
Starting real-time performance data collection on page 350
Collecting configuration and performance data72