HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Job Command Reference (T3680-96090, October 2012)

These examples show host volume mount points. Device names can also be used. The required
replication step that precedes the host volume creation step is marked with asterisks (**).
$Rep1=SnapcloneHostVolume ( "\\HostA2\/home/cats", SAME, WAIT ) **
CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( "\\HostA2\/home/cats", $Rep1, "HostA4" )
$Rep1=SnapcloneHostVolume ( "\\HostA2\/users/cats", SAME, WAIT ) **
CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( "\\HostA2\/users/cats", $Rep1, "HostA4" )
$Rep1=SnapcloneHostVolume ( "\\HostA2\/var/cats", SAME, WAIT ) **
CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( "\\HostA2\/var/cats", $Rep1, "HostA4" )
$Rep1=SnapcloneHostVolume ( "\\HostA2\CATS", SAME, WAIT ) **
CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( "\\HostA2\CATS", $Rep1, "HostA4" )
$Rep1=SnapcloneHostVolume ( "\\HostA2\/usr/cats", SAME, WAIT ) **
CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( "\\HostA2\/usr/cats", $Rep1, "HostA4" )
$Rep1=SnapcloneHostVolume ( "\\HostA2\UFS-mnt-1", SAME, WAIT ) **
CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( "\\HostA2\UFS-mnt-1", $Rep1, "HostA4" )
Tru64 UNIX
$Rep1=SnapcloneHostVolume ("\\HostA2\E:\pets\cats", SAME, WAIT) **Windows
CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( "\\HostA2\E:\", $Rep1, "HostA4" )Drive
CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( "\\HostA2\E:\pets\cats", $Rep1, "HostA4" )Drive & folders
Associated validation commands. ValidateHost, ValidateHostVolume.
Agent and license prerequisites. Requires a host agent.
Command result value. Host volume name (UNC). For a complete list, see Command result
OS specifics. Yes. See examples above.
Windows. Creating the host volume on the same host as the original may produce undesirable
results. Windows writes a signature to the disks and the same signature will be on both the source
and the new copy.
The command essentially performs the just the final low level operations that are part of the
CreateHostVolume command. See CreateHostVolume.
The storage structure of the source host volume is reconstructed on the target host. The new
host volume is not mounted.
To mount the host volume, use the MountHostVolume command.
See Resource names and UNC formats.
Creates a new host volume-group (VG) by presenting replicated storage to an enabled host. The
replicated storage must be created in a prior host volume-group replication step in the same job.
Syntax and arguments
When initially inserted into a job, the command syntax and default arguments are:
CreateHostVolumeGroup ( %source_vg_name%, %storvol_snap_list%, %target_host%, HOST_FC_PORT)
Source UNC Host Volume Group (%source_vg_name%). Select or enter the UNC name of a host
volume-group that has been previously replicated within the job.
Job commands 105