HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Job Command Reference (T3680-96090, October 2012)

Associated validation commands. ValidateHost, ValidateStorageVolume.
Agent and license prerequisites. None.
Command result value. None. For a complete list, see Command result values.
OS specifics. None.
Each storage volume is automatically assigned the next available LUN on the host. The access
type defaults to read_write.
CAUTION: Ensure that none of the storage volumes are already presented to the host.
Multiple presentations to the same host can cause errors.
See Resource names and UNC formats.
Begins the presentation of a thin provisioned storage volume to an enabled host.
Syntax and arguments
When initially inserted into a job, the command syntax and default arguments are:
PresentThinProvisionedStorageVolume ( %storvol_unc_name%, %host_name%, 0, READ_WRITE, HOST_FC_PORT,
UNC Storage Volume Name ( %storvol_unc_name%). Select or enter the full UNC name of the
storage volume (virtual disk) whose presentation you want to begin.
Host_Name (%host_name%). Select or enter the name of the host for which the storage volume
(virtual disk) presentation is to begin. When specifying a guest OS-enabled host, the volume is
presented to the VM server to which the guest OS belongs.
LUN Number. Select or enter a presentation LUN for the storage volume. The LUN cannot already
be in use when the job is run. You can allow storage controller software to assign a LUN.
Access Type. Select or enter the type of host I/O to allow with the storage volume. Choices are
none, read, and read_write.
Host Type. Select or enter the host type. Choices are HOST_FC_PORT or HOST_ISCSI.
Proceed even if Storage Volume is in Over Commited State?. Select whether to proceed even if the
storage volume is in the over-commited state.
PresentThinProvisionedStorageVolume ( "\\ArrayA2\Cats", "HostA6", 12, READ_WRITE, HOST_FC_PORT, FALSE)
Associated validation commands. ValidateHost, ValidateStorageVolume.
Agent and license prerequisites. None.
Command result value. None. For a complete list, see Command result values.
OS specifics. None.
CAUTION: Ensure that the storage volume is not already presented to the host. Multiple
presentations to the same host can cause errors.
See Resource names and UNC formats.
146 Job Commands