HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Job Command Reference (T3680-96090, October 2012)

Associated validation commands. None.
Agent and license prerequisites. Requires remote replication licenses on the source and
destination storage systems.
Command result value. None. For a complete list, see Command result values.
OS specifics. None.
When a job is run, some job arguments may specify features that are not available on the
target array.
See Resource names and UNC formats.
Specifies auto suspend mode of a DR group pair when a full copy is required.
Syntax and arguments
When initially inserted into a job, the command syntax and default arguments are:
SetDrGroupAutoSuspendOnFullCopy ( %drgroup_unc_name%, TRUE )
UNC DR Group Name (%drgroup_unc_name%). Select or enter the UNC name of the source DR
Auto Suspend. To enable this mode select true, to disable select false.
SetDrGroupAutoSuspendOnFullCopy ( "\\ArrayA2\DrGrpPets", TRUE )
Associated validation commands. None.
Agent and license prerequisites. Requires remote replication licenses on the source and
destination storage systems.
Command result value. None. For a complete list, see Command result values.
OS specifics. None.
When a job is run, some job arguments may specify features that are not available on the
target array.
See Resource names and UNC formats.
Creates or replaces the comment about a source or destination DR group.
Syntax and arguments
When initially inserted into a job, the command syntax and default arguments are:
SetDrGroupComments ( %drgroup_unc_name%, "" )
UNC DR Group Name (%drgroup_unc_name%). Select or enter the UNC name of the DR group to
be changed.
Comments. Enter your comment text.
Job commands 153