HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Job Command Reference (T3680-96090, October 2012)

DiscoverDiskDevices ($mount_host2, $Rep1) onerror continue34
$HV2 = CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ($source_hostvol_unc1, $Rep1, $mount_host2) onerror pauseat
$MP2 = MountHostVolume ($HV2, %mount_point2%) onerror pauseat E3:36
// Launch a backup process on a host.38
Launch ($launch_host_name, %command_line%, "", WAIT, "0") onerror pauseat E4:39
// Wait for user to initiate rollback.41
Pause (42
// Rollback.44
E4: UnmountHostVolume ($MP2) onerror pauseat E4:45
E3: DeleteHostVolume ($HV2) onerror pauseat E3:46
E2: DeleteStorageVolumes ($Rep1) onerror pauseat E2:47
// Failure exit - no rollback needed.51
E1: Exit (FAILURE52
Replicate host volumes via preallocated replication, mount to a host (template)
Template summary
A. Disables (flushes) the write cache of the storage volumes that underlie a host volume on an
enabled host.
B. Prepares the container(s) for host volume replication.
C. Locally replicates (copies) the storage volumes that underlie the host volume to containers.
D. Re-enables the write cache of the source storage volumes that underlie the host volume.
E. Waits for the container copies to become storage volume copies and be discovered.
F. Presents the underlying storage volume copies to a second enabled host (creates a new host
volume group).
G. Mounts the new host volume on the second enabled host.
H. Pauses the job.
I. After continuing, unmounts the new host volume from the second enabled host, unpresents
and deletes the storage volume copies from the storage system.
J. Converts the storage volume copies back into containers.
NOTE: This template cannot be used with some older versions of controller software. For
information on controller version feature support, see the HP P6000 Enterprise Virtual Array
Compatibility Reference.
Job templates 77