HP StorageWorks Reference Information Storage System V1.4 User Guide (T3559-96028, December 2005)

Write Mail To Di sk
If True, a .txt le is written to the Log Path for each PST le. The le contains
all of the email messages in the PST le.
If False, no message le is written.
For normal processing of queued PST les, use False. Use True for testing,
when determining the cause of failed PST le processing.
Process Setting s
Machine ID
Name of the desktop computer where the Document Manager client is
DB Path
Filename and path of the client database used to store information about
les that have been queued for archiving and have not been removed from
the archiving queue.
If the p ath is relative, it is relative to the client Document Manager installation
Log File
Filename and
path of the client log le. This le records client activity,
including processing of queued les, both PST and non-PST. See Log Path
for additio
nal PST log les.
If the p ath is relative, it is relative to the client Document Manager installation
.ThedefaultvalueisPSTLog.txt in the installation d irectory.
Max Processes
Maximum number of concurrent Windows processes used to process les
queued for archiving.
If this is 1 (default value), a single process is used.
If this value N is different than 1, up to N queued les are processed in
parallel, using separate connections to the server.
Test Access Only
For normal processing of queued les, use False (default). Use True only
for testing the client.
If False, queued PST les are processed normally according to the value of
Process PST Files.
If True, queued PST les are not processed for archiving. They are only
checked for accessibility. You can see the result of thi s test in the Active-Archive
Bin. A typical reason for PST inaccessibility is password protection during
PST creation.
The amount of detail included in the Log File, as follows:
3: alerts, warnings, and status messages
4: alerts, warnings, and detailed status messages
4. Click OK to apply changes and close the Advanced Client Conguration Settings dialog box.
Modifying database entries
The Document Mana ger client has a loc al database that it uses to keep track of all les a user has ever
queued for archiving (since client installation). This database is created when the client is installed.
The client database includes, for each le, a record of the archiving process and the current archiving
status. All of the information presented in the Active-Archive Bin and the My Active-Archive Properties
log box (Import Status and Reports panels) is contained in the database.
Congure D ata panel of the Advanced Client Conguration Settings dialog box lets you modify the
tabase, removing selected le entries or resetting the status of selected les.
Reference Information Storage System User Guide