HP Integrated Archive Platform Managing Repositories and Retention Whitepaper

System Repositories
Several repositories are created when the system is installed or when IAP domains are created. These
repositories are listed under the Other tab shown in Figure 25. The domain based repositories are
listed below:
<domain>.catchall repository
Catchall Repository
The domain.catchall repository is used to capture messages and documents that cannot be associated
with an IAP user account or repository. Messages that cannot be routed do not correspond to any
system routing rule. Mailing-list messages cannot be routed if the recipient’s name is not included in
the message as a destination.
Audit Log Repository
The domain.userauditlog repository is created when the audit log feature is enabled for a domain by
the following settings in the Domain.jcml file:
The audit log function stores log files as documents and provides an audit trail of activity on the IAP.
This feature audits the following activities on the IAP:
Viewed messages and documents
Auditors use the IAP Content Search and Retrieve Interface to search the domain.userauditlog
repository for the content type documents to display user activity on the IAP domain. The default
retention period for the domain.userauditlog is 7 years.
domain.failed.indexing repository
The domain.failed.indexing repository is used to store items that cannot be indexed by the IAP. This
repository contains documents that were partially indexed. Messages that contain document types that
cannot be indexed are stored in this repository. Messages with these conditions are added to the
failed to index repository in addition to their user repository.
The domain.recyclebin.repository is used to store items that are no longer associated with any
repositories on the IAP. Messages deleted by the End User Delete function (if enabled) are stored in
the recycle bin repository for 30 days or as defined by the domain.recyclebin.repository retention