HP Integrated Archive Platform Managing Repositories and Retention Whitepaper

This document provides information on managing IAP repositories and retention. Repositories are
virtual storage areas in the IAP created through automated and manual processes. A single item
(email or document) stored in the IAP can be associated with multiple repositories. Users have default
access to their own repository which provides access to archived email items. Access can be assigned
to other repositories as required.
The IAP provides the ability to search across entire IAP domains or specific email domains though the
use of audit repositories. Audit repositories must be manually created using the repository type of
Access Only. Access Only repositories cannot preserve items beyond retention periods assigned to
repositories associated with the email item or document. These repositories should be created at the
time of IAP installation or when a new IAP domain is created.
Retention periods can be defined at a domain level and at a repository level. A retention period for a
domain or repository can be increased, but cannot be decreased beyond the minimum retention
period for the domain. Regulated and unregulated repositories have default retention periods defined
in the Domain.jcml file; this is the only difference between regulated and unregulated repositories.
User repositories created by DAS are unregulated repositories, and thus have the retention period
assigned to unregulated repositories in the Domain.jcml. As retention periods are met for items
associated with a repository, the reference to that repository is removed from the item. Once all
references to repositories have been removed from an item stored on the IAP, the item is deleted from
the IAP. Setting a retention period to -1 disables retention for a domain or repository, however this
does not preclude an IAP administrator from enabling and setting a retention period using the PCC
Items can be placed on legal hold using the IAP Quarantine function in the Search and Retrieve
Query Manger interface. Placing a search result set on quarantine creates a new repository of the
type Quarantine. Items that contain a reference to a Quarantine repository will not be deleted from
the IAP until the legal hold is lifted. The legal hold can be lifted by deleting the quarantine from the
search results using the Search and Retrieve Query Manager interface.
The nightly retention jobs are responsible for deleting items from the IAP and removing repository
references from items that have exceeded their retention periods. Deletions of items and references
can be monitored through the Data Management / Retention Information / Statistics and Logs section
of the PCC.